Sunday, December 2, 2012


The weekend before my cousins wedding, my family headed down to Ole Miss for the weekend. It was so good to get to see trey, he kept me very entertained the entire weekend.

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I really don't have much of a thanksgiving story for y'all. About a month before Thanksgiving my grandfather passed away unexpectedly, so this holiday was hard.
I went Black Friday shopping till 4AM and saw lots of friends who were home for break.
Here are some pics from that Saturday night.

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ordinary Hero Change the World For One

This video and the 2 under it are videos made by Ordinary Hero. If you do not have time to watch all 3, please watch this one!
Im so excited to go on a mission trip with them next year!

Ordinary Hero- Bissy coming to america

Ordinary Hero: Ali Henderson

My Favorite Charities

Im linking up with Kellys Korner to post about something that is dear to my heart, charities. There are two charities that I love helping, Alex's Lemonade Stand and Ordinary Hero. Alexs Lemonade Stand was founded because of a little girl named Alex Scott. She died of a rare childhood cancer. So for 6 years I did a lemonade stand for this charity. Then there is Ordinary Hero, that was founded by a women in my hometown named Kelly Putty. At the top of my blog is a button for their blog, go visit it! -Maggie

Monday, June 25, 2012


I gonna go ahead and warn y'all. This post is going to be long, because well I'm rambling about my life. Today I will use this post more like my journal lol, enjoy. June-25th As I sit here listening to the "beachy playlist" that I just made on I-tunes, I can't think but imagine where I will be in NINE days, Beaches Turkes and Caicos! I must say I am super duper excited to go to Beaches for the 2nd time in two years, but this vacation was um unexpected. Does that make sense? I can always go to the beach, but I need to get in the mood to go, I'm hoping that a little Zac, Kenny, and maybe even some Jimmy Buffett and Brad Paisley will help me get in the mood for the beach. You see, my father just came home one day and said were going on vacation, I don't even know if I can go yet! Lets hope I can, if I can get in touch with the Steph, her grandfather passed away, I will know if I can go or not. :) This week has been pretty blaug, Im not babysitting because Steph has the week off, but I do plan to go to Nashville and maybe even Paducah! I hope you enjoyed my journal for the night! Maggie

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Prayers Please

I linked up with Kellys Korner to do a prayer post. I ask that y'all pray for me for one specific thing, my migraines. These migraines are HORRIBLE and I get them weekly! I see a doctor though, so they are getting better, but praying is always good. Also please pray for these families The Boyds- The Family that I nanny for 3 days a week, Steph is about to loose her Grandfather. This has caused the kids to not go on a vacation next week, and we do not know how the death will affect them. The Hightowers- Have you heard about a little 4 year old named BRADY? He fell at a soccer game back in March/April, prob early April. After he fell, he complained about pain in his side all day long, that night his parents, Tammy who was 35 weeks pregnant with their 3rd child, and Steve took them to the Emergency Room. Their, they found out poor little Brady had a tumor. He has been doing good though, having weekly treatments at Vandy and is now a proud BIG BROTHER to TWO sisters! Landon L- She is a student at WKU, an AOPI who was hit by a drunk driver in early June PRAYER... When life Gets too hard to Stand... KNEEL!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bradey and Alli's Walk In The Park Part TWO

For some reason, the video wouldnt work with that post, SOO here it is.

Bradley And Allis' Walk In The Park

Last Week, Bradley, Alli and I went to the Public Library which has a nature walk to a park! I was not planning on walking the whole way, but we did! After we did that, we went to Cadiz, KY and found another park. It was a fun day out! I made a video of all the pics I took, it is above:)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Derby Day

I spent my derby weekend babysitting for one of my favorite families, the Gray's! They went to the Derby, so I watched Charlie and Georgia for over 24 hours! It was a very interesting 24 hours I must say haha! Here are some pics of Georgia On Saturday, Derby Day! We went to a fundraiser at a local children's boutique called the Polka Dot Pig that was for one of their cousins. We had lots of fun together and I enjoyed getting to "play" mom to them, but boy was I glad when Robert and Virginia got home! How was y'alls Derby Day?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A High School Graduate

Sorry folks about just leaving y'all, trust me I have been busy. Here are some pictures to prove it! Over the time since I have last updated a lot of things have happened! I have attended my senior prom, the blue dress:), done an awesome senior prank, and graduated from high school! Now it is summer! And I bet a bunch of y'all are wondering what I am doing, well I have a JOB! I am working 3 days a week for a family in my neighborhood with 2 of their 3 children. I love this job, but Im missing the kids because I have been in Florida for almost 2 WEEKS! I had to fly home early though because I am taking an 8 day class to get free classes at the Community College, ugh yeah Im not so happy about that. If I had made a better score on the ACT I would be going to Ole Miss, of corse, but soon Fall will be here and we will be heading to Oxford to see my bestie Trey, and to do some tailgating. My vacation to Florida... 3 words... Pool, Eat, Repeat. Haha! It was very relaxing and being on Anna Maria for 10 days was great! I must say though, my mother and I very on fighting terms almost by the tenth day, thats what we get for staying with 2 other girls! The plane ride home AKA my first plane ride alone was emotional when my mom first dropped me off at the air-port. Once I got in the Tampa air-port though, I was fine. Being home alone is weird though because I am used to being with her, so thankfully I have something to do tomorrow. When I got home I was so thankful to be home! I graduated on May the 18th and last night was my 4th night home since I graduated, so my bed felt very very good! I also turned 18 in March! Whoot, Whoot! I can buy a lottery ticket, if only I was 21, but here are some pictures from my parties. They both very low key, one was with my friends and family then the second one was just with my family. The cake was made by a lady in town, it was yummy! Thats All For Now Maggie